Also, I loved their "if you have five minutes . . ." article. There are numerous times when I know I only have 5 minutes before I have to run out the door to do something, so I end up checking facebook one more time because I don't think that is enough time to accomplish anything. What's ironic is that the tasks on their list are tasks I always say to myself "I really should do that" but feel like I never have enough time to do it. The sense of accomplishment is far worth the 5 minutes well spent.
Here are my favorites:
- Pitch 3 old items from the refrigerator
- Untangle a necklace
- Check your voicemail ( I am SO bad at not checking voicemails)
- Move some random files on your computer desktop to correct folders
- Test pens or makers and toss the dead ones
- Pick up 5 things and put them where they belong
- Clear off the top of the refrigerator
- Remove gum wrappers, receipts, and ATM slips from your purse
- Write a thank you note that you've been putting off
- Throw out all expired coupons
I feel better already :)