
Real Simple pt. 2

If you haven't noticed yet I'm a pretty big fan of the magazine Real Simple.  Not only does it talk about EVERYTHING from recipes to fashion to organizing, but it provides wonderful things on their website to print out!  Such as this: the ultimate to do list.  I already have a copy in my planner.  I love organizing so anything that is cute and makes it easier for me is wonderful.

Also, I loved their "if you have five minutes . . ." article.  There are numerous times when I know I only have 5 minutes before I have to run out the door to do something, so I end up checking facebook one more time because I don't think that is enough time to accomplish anything.  What's ironic is that the tasks on their list are tasks I always say to myself "I really should do that" but feel like I never have enough time to do it.  The sense of accomplishment is far worth the 5 minutes well spent.

Here are my favorites:
  1. Pitch 3 old items from the refrigerator
  2. Untangle a necklace
  3. Check your voicemail ( I am SO bad at not checking voicemails)
  4. Move some random files on your computer desktop to correct folders
  5. Test pens or makers and toss the dead ones
  6. Pick up 5 things and put them where they belong
  7. Clear off the top of the refrigerator
  8. Remove gum wrappers, receipts, and ATM slips from your purse
  9. Write a thank you note that you've been putting off
  10. Throw out all expired coupons
I feel better already :)


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