
Humble dependence . . .

"My tendency is to charge into the day intent on getting stuff done- attacking my to do list motivated by self sufficiency rather than by humble dependence upon the grace of God revealed in the Gospel."
I read this quote on CJ Mahaney's blog (Sovereign Grace- you can go here to read the whole article) and was very convicted. This quote sums up a lot of how I go about my life, and when I read that busyness doesn't necessarily mean that I am diligent, faithful, and fruitful, I was totally caught off guard.
Confession time: For most of my life I have taken pride in my "busyness"- thinking that must mean that I am working hard and not wasting my time. God used this article to show me this is not the case. In short, it has you evaluating your roles, goals, and schedule and if they are consistent with His plans.
So what did this weekend consist of? No schedules. Just Dan and I. We took walks, we ran together, we cleaned together, we watched movies together. We stayed up late, hanging out on our porch, talking about our future. We worshiped together, shared what God was teaching us; We did life together. And it was wonderful :) Was it busy? No. Was it scheduled? No. Was it fruitful? Sure was.
I hope today, amidst the craziness of summer, you also can humbly come before God and evaluate who is really directing your steps. Like me, you may be in for a surprise.


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