Most of you have probably heard about the news this morning- that "touch down Jesus" was struck with lighting. I am sure everyone has an opinion about if it should have been constructed or not. Needless to say, sure the money could have been spent on something better, but it also could have been spent on something worse. Anyway, I attended a conference at Solid Rock Church and had to take a picture of it. So in honor of its passing, here is a picture of me and Katie in front if it my senior year at Miami:

Well, on another note, I am currently sitting at Panera on my day off, and cannot tell you enough what a blessing it is to just SIT and spend time with the Lord. Life has been crazy and it makes me appreciate these hours of "down time." It started last week when my office attended our annual NACCAP conference. It's a conference for all the admissions counselors who work for Christian colleges. It's always super fun, but busy. We drove down there Sunday, and got to stay in their HUGE dorms. That was such a treat. I ran in their 5k which is always fun lol. At least it wasn't in blazing hot weather, in an open field, through 2 ft high grass. (that's how it was last year at Cedarville). Then, that night we went to the Dunes in Michigan. Sooo the Dunes that I am used to are in North Carolina, but these Dunes were mountains!! Here's some pics:
Then, the next day we went on a boat called the Windy which departs from Navy pier!! Our adventure started in a parking garage. Sarah locked her keys in her car. BUT, thanks to Triple A and the nice man who saved us, we retrieved her keys!
Next, we got on the boat! It was SO pretty and the "pirates" were hilarious. Lake Michigan is much nicer than Lake Erie - hands down.
Then, we went to Wisconsin to go to the Milwaukee/ Cubs game! Although most people were more concerned with the Hawks game than the Cubs game (personally I'm not a huge hockey fan... but whatever makes Chicago happy makes me happy) soooo it was exciting that they ended up winning the Stanley cup that night :) Oh, and how can I forget? You know how people propose on those big jumbo screens at sporting events? Well a proposal happened right in front of us... and it was probably the most awkward proposal I've ever seen. I don't think she officially ever said yes, she was just so shocked that he was asking her. Then, when her friend came up and they told her the "good" news, she looks at them and goes "nuh uh," with this dumbfounded look. Sssuuuuper awkward. In the words of Brian Bacon- "God Bless their marriage."
Although I was exhausted after all of our travels, we got to come in at 9:30 the next morning because of our long trip. Don't I have the best job ever?
Then, we left on Friday to go to Indi for a surprise party for Luke, I stayed with Jamie and got to see her new HOUSE which was super cute, and then drove to Ohio to watch Matt Simmonds get married! It is crazy to watch someone get married who you have known since they were in 6th grade! It was such a fun wedding of catching up with Miami and Hudson friends. All of my brother's friends were there which was so fun- we had a number of spring break trips with them so it was somewhat nostalgic for me to see them all together. I'm a dork. AND, Jon was the best man so he got to give the speech :) He did great and it was altogether an awesome night! Then, we stayed with Kylie and Dan got to meet Shane (her fiance!!) and we got to meet Chloe, their new kitty. It was so great catching up with them and talking until almost 3am! Here are some more pictures from the wedding:
Then, after the wedding we celebrated my dad's bday :) Although we had a blast seeing everyone, I am very thankful to report that this weekend we are staying in Chicago.
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