
We have been MATCHED!

It's a BOY!  Yes, I am officially (as if I wasn't already lol) a #boymom and we couldn't be more thrilled :)  We actually were shocked when just a couple days after we completed our Home Study we got a phone call with a file of a little boy that our social worker wanted us to review.  We thought we had to be done with our Dossier before we could even be considered a family ready to be matched.  Needless to say we saw the photo and immediately fell in love with his sweet little face.  The China program is a little different than Ethiopia  There are actually a lot of kiddos ready to go and in need of adoption in China so they present you with a file and then you pray over it and consider if the child would be a good fit for your family. After a week of praying and seeking wise counsel we felt that this little guy would be a perfect fit for us and was the one that God had in mind for us when we started this process!  Obviously, now is the even harder part of waiting to go pick him up.  We still need to finish our dossier so we will spend the next 4 to 6 months doing that then we can book our travel to go get him!  So we definitely still have some waiting to do, but in the meantime we have his little picture framed and we pray and talk about him every day!  We even have a little video that they sent of him playing in the orphanage that Jake looks at all the time and will hold up my phone and say "look at his chunky little cheeks!" lol  Needless to say, we couldn't be more thankful to be matched with this little guy and cannot wait to get him here :)  

We can't share too many details about him since we are still finishing up all the paperwork but I can say that he will be two in December!  So he falls right in between our boys.  Thank you so much for all of your support and for praying for our family as we have navigated this process for the last 2 years (I can't believe it's been that long!).  It is so exciting to be in the home stretch :)  We definitely will keep you all updated as we finish our dossier and have any other updates!