Oh, Cole, how this month was full of so many ups and downs! On one hand you are getting cuter by the second, and on the other hand you have had your fair share of winter illnesses for only being here for less than 100 days! So let's dive into the details.
- Yes you got your second cold, and your first ear infection this month. We have been through our fair share of vicks chest rub, humidifiers, saline drops, boogy wipes, and naps sleeping upright on us. And your poor little cough was the worst thing I'd ever heard for such a little baby! Let's hope for a healthier month three, mkay?
- I'm going to ignore the fact that your brother was basically sleeping through the night right around now when he was your age as last night you went to bed at 9 and woke up at 12, 2:30, 5, and 7:30. I'm blaming it on your sicknesses. And your morning smiles make up for it :) that and three cups of coffee.
- You still nurse every two hours, but I love your chunky rolls so that's ok with me.. for now..
- And yes, you still have all that hair! It's crazy and definitely a conversation starter everywhere we go.
- You are looking more and more like your brother which is fun to see :)
- At literally nine weeks you rolled from your back to your stomach. You are one strong and determined little man!
- There is something about the little owl we have hanging on your car seat because you love smiling and talking to it all day long. Which makes for much easier car rides these days (hooray!)
- And our little panda friend that plays music has been a life saver during some of your fussy times. And Jake and I both find ourselves humming its tunes throughout the day lol
- You still don't suck the pacifier but you gnaw on it- maybe you're teething? Who knows. I am going to blame teething on everything from now until you are two.
- We have had success with the bottle! (all the praise hands emoji's) Some nights are easier than others for you to take it, but you take it. And that's all that matters.
- Your smiles and giggles are so fun. Your dad and I could sit there and make you smile all day long :)
- You are exactly like Jake in the fact that you do not like to be held facing inward, you like to be held with your face out so you can see everything that is going on. So much for using the ergo carrier that we put on our registry years ago!
- Your big brother still adores you and always wants to know what you are doing and where you are at all times :) You will learn so much from him in the years to come!
- And lastly, the floor jungle gym is by far your favorite toy these days :)
- We LOVE watching you become more aware of who/ what is around you! You are such a joy and huge blessing and we love seeing what each month has in store for us!

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