God is being so so sweet to me this Friday afternoon by having both of my kiddos napping at the exact. same. time. Cole has been sleeping for two hours- seriously it's a miracle! I have been trying SO hard to get him to stretch out his naps, and I think since he found his thumb, it's working lol I know he will probably have issues later on related to teeth, emotional issues, (insert any story you've heard about thumb sucking kids here) but right now I think he looks so cute when he does it and it gets him to actually sleep by himself instead of screaming in his crib, so it's a win for the moment :)
I thought for sure this winter would be really rough on me. For some reason the last couple winters emotionally have been hard. I don't know if it's being inside all day, the dreary days, etc., but the last couple years right around now I have been thrilled to see any sign of spring breaking through. And thankfully we actually have had some spring like days which is such a shocker for February in Chicago. I've realized that God has us go through many seasons, and although life with a newborn has its moments, right now we feel lots of joy for where He has us. Jake is at such a fun age, and although I get sad thinking that he will be FOUR soon and I have visions of him going off to college, I love watching him grow. I can't wait for him to try out tee ball and I love his little imagination and personality that is emerging. And I think because it's been so long since we've had a little baby in our house, everything with Cole is new and exciting too. He's sitting in his bumbo now and giving us tons of smiles (when he's not tired or hungry lol). I really feel incredibly blessed for this season. And I'm trying to take as many pictures of it as I can to remember it all :)
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Oh my word Jake looks SO big here. Insert crying emoji's here |
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