We definitely are enjoying the newborn phase over here. Maybe it's because we've been through it before? But I'm finding myself enjoying parts of this phase and I don't know if I can say that with Jake (I'm sure it's because I was terrified I was doing everything wrong lol)
For starters, I forgot how much I love it when they stretch out and their arms are barely as long as the top of their head (why this is so cute to me I have no idea, it just is haha) Cole also has his fair share of concerned faces and all of them are so cute to me right now even though in a couple years I will look back and wonder why I thought that. And I totally forgot how much newborns stare at lights- they are like little bugs and I love it :) And lastly, this kid's hair. (when it's washed) It is the softest thing you've ever felt. I just told Dan the other day I am a little nervous about what he is going to look like when it starts to fall out.
As far as Cole's birth story goes, I am so thankful for all of those moms who said to really throw your birth plan out the window. Not totally, but I had something in mind, made some assumptions based on how Jake's delivery was, and this delivery ended up being very different. The Friday before Cole was born, I started having some very consistent (3 to 5 minutes apart) contractions, that weren't painful. This is EXACTLY how it went down with Jake (even to the day- he was due on a Monday- just like Cole- and Friday I went into labor!), so I assumed it would be game time. I vacuumed, cleaned the bathrooms, did essentially everything I could to get this little guy moving- and by Friday night, they stopped. Kind of a bummer.
Fast forward to Sunday early morning. I wake up with super intense contractions, can't sleep, and am getting the chills. Now, this is a really difficult situation to be in because I'm pretty sure I'm in labor and never felt this way with Jake, but I've got two things on my mind. One, I don't want to end up having this baby at home because Jake came super fast when I was ready to go. But two, I don't want to wake Jake up, wake our friends up, and get to the hospital just to be sent home. Fearing the former, we head out to the hospital.
I get checked in and we are waiting to see the nurse. Because I was 2 centimeters dilated on Monday at my appointment, and it's almost a week later and I'm having painful contractions, I thought FOR SURE I'm at least at a 4. With Jake I didn't start to even feel the contractions until I was a 6. Obviously, they check me and I'm still at a 2. *Maybe* a loose 2. Whatever that means.
They monitor me until 7am and check again, and after 4 hours I'm almost a 3. Not what I was hoping after being in labor since 1:30am. Oh yeah, and I forgot to tell you my birth plan- because of everything that happened during my delivery with Jake (details will be spared here) I was hopeful to go natural thinking it may help. And I also was hoping to avoid being induced if at all possible.
Ok, back to 7am. The doctor comes in and we have a decision. He says he can admit us and would probably break my water since I didn't really want pitocin to keep things moving, or I can go home. My concern is if I am sent home, when do I know if I am *really* in labor, because I totally felt like I was in labor before. The doctor tells me I need to be scratching my nails to the wall in pain screaming for the epidural before I should come in. ummm. yeah. So Dan and I talked about it for about 30 minutes and decided to stay. Clearly I was in labor and had been things were just progressing super slow.
Fast forward to 11am. Doctor checks me again and I'm a 6. So after 10 hours of painful contractions I decide its time to get the epidural. If I continued down this road I would be at a 10 in 8 hours. Definitely couldn't go another 8 hours. Of course they give me the epidural, which normally slows down labor, and in less than 3 hours I'm feeling like I'm ready to push and I'm at a 10 and it's go time! (still not regretting my epidural decision) I start pushing right before 2 and little Cole came out at 2:05pm! And we were SO excited to meet him :)
I can't tell you enough how thankful we are for this little guy. Yes, there are lots of sleepless nights. And yes taking care of two kids instead of one has its challenges. And I'm sure making dinner is going to be a challenge (I am SO grateful to not have to do any of that yet because of friends and family!) BUT, it's funny how waiting for something makes it a little bit easier to endure. Because I remember all the weeks and months of praying. And I remember the miscarriages. And I remember all that God taught us during this time, and it has created a tremendous heart of gratitude for this family of ours. Because we don't deserve any of it. We aren't ever guaranteed a healthy baby or X number of children. But God in His mercy is oh so gracious and has given it to us. And I pray that Cole is a constant reminder to me of how it is worth it to wait on the Lord and trust in Him- no matter what His plan is. Because either way, through the good and bad, God is always constant, and always with us.
And who knew a little baby could teach us so much.
{Cole William Cinadr}
Born 11.15.15
8 pounds 9 ounces
22 inches long
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Obviously all necessities after giving birth lol |
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I wish I could put a bubble here with Jake saying, "Is this what you wanted me to do?" haha |
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Jake entertaining himself in the hospital by hiding haha |
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Why not finish renovating our kitchen right after we get home from the hospital? We have extra hands to help! |
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