We officially have internet in our new home :) (insert all the praise hands emoji's!) With that being said, there are approximately 1,387 other things I should probably be doing but I wanted to pop in and say hello and continue posting our summer updates :) I am working on getting pictures of our home uploaded as well- and it's not much to look at right now so you're aren't missing much! Last week my mom was here and we knocked out SO much. While there is still a never ending to do list, we at least have some liveable space among the staples and nails in the floor right now so for that, I am thankful :) And we have already met some of our sweet neighbors on our cul-de-sac which has been really nice! I always forget how intense the moving process is, and at 31 weeks pregnant, I am definitely feeling it in my back and feet! However, most of all I am grateful to be in a home before this little guy comes. And, it was super fun pulling out some of Jake's little 0-3 month clothes to put in the baby's room! I can't believe he will be here in two months (from today actually!).
These photos are pictures that we took when we were at our friend Brittany and Luke's lake house! We visited them
last year as well and we always have so much fun. Jake for some reason, was more scared of the rafts and boats than he was last year, but I'm sure he'll grow out of it :) We always love spending time with these families even though we only see them once a year!
So many kids! |
One thing that never gets old with Jake- driving the boat :) |
Then all the dads decided to play a game called King of the Hill I think? Anyway, it entailed pushing each other off and trying to be the last person standing lol Then the kids tried doing it lol |
We celebrated James' first birthday!! |
Everyone shared a bedtime story :) |
Everyone was so amazed how well Jake would smile when I wanted a picture- I've trained him well :) It looks like he's having a blast here but in actuality he was terrified he would fall off lol |
We were introduced to a new game- Spike Ball! Super fun- definitely one we hope to get in the future! |
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