
Jake at Two and a Half

Oh how we love you, little man.  I cannot believe you are getting so. stinkin'. big.  And I say it every time, but I seriously love every new stage we get to spend with you :)  Yes, being a two year old comes with its obvious independence and occasional (or quite often) no's, but with that also comes a big imagination, a desire to learn and grow more and more, and the cutest little "Jake, help!" voice always behind me wanting to do whatever I am doing.  

I think some of my favorite moments have been when I get to see glimpses of your little compassionate heart.  Like a couple weeks ago when I wanted to take a nap downstairs because I had a headache (don't worry, dad was home - it was a Saturday :), you immediately ran upstairs to grab your lamb, blanket, and bear (your "friends" that you sleep with) so I could snuggle with them :)  And when I had to get my blood drawn the other day, after the nurse put a band aid on my arm you ran over and kissed it to make it feel better.

And yes, also with this stage comes its quarks as well.  You are very particular about little things (which reminds me of two people I know!).  If you are singing twinkle twinkle little star I have come to learn that I am not allowed to join in with you.  You like the solo performances, and I'm ok with that.  And yes, you still sometimes just prefer dad to me.  And you'll say that you miss him during the day.  And that's ok, because I miss dad a lot during the day, too.  And lastly, I am learning that you really are a big boy, especially when you repeatedly say "I got it!" when pulling up your "undies" and pants even if they are twisted and look incredibly uncomfortable.  I will try my hardest not to fix them.  

So although every time I write one of these I inwardly, and let's be honest- sometimes outwardly, shed a little tear because you're not my teeny tiny baby anymore and you seem to grow up way quicker than I want you to, I can't wait to see what God has in store for you and us next.  We love you so much and it is truly a privilege to be your momma :)


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