I know I'm late on the popular "New Years" post, but we have had kind of a crazy start to 2015 so you'll have to bear with us :) God has taught Dan and I SO much in 2014. Seriously, way more than any other year of our marriage. Dan and I got away for our first overnight from Jake {seriously- this should have been done years ago, but better late than
never, right?} and we were talking about our hopes and dreams for 2015. It was so refreshing to think about the things that could be in store for us. We know all the good times and difficult times in 2014 have prepared us for what's to come and for that we are so grateful.
2014 was a year of learning for us, and that we did. Learning how to handle hectic work schedules, learning how to raise a toddler (I feel every year will be learning with kids!), learning how to trust God when we can't see exactly what He's doing, and learning how to take steps of faith in a direction that seems bigger than anything we can accomplish on our own. I don't have any set plans for 2015. I think 2014 showed me exactly what Proverbs 16 says: "
The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps." So I'm holding everything pretty loosely for 2015. I'm expectant for God to show up, but I'm not sure exactly what that looks like and I'm trying not to plan it all out (which is hard for the inner- event planner in me :) So here's to a new chapter in our book. We can't wait to see what 2015 has in store for us.
Our first overnight- back to where Dan proposed 7 years ago :) |
Jake turned TWO! |
We started the process to adopt a child from Ethiopia! |
Went to our first "Spedie Fest" in Binghamton |
Re decorated our second floor bathroom |
Visited Boston for the first time |
Visited Colorado for the first time |
Jake was a baseball player for Halloween :) (and a farmer...) |
Visited Cooperstown for the first time |
Visited our friend Steph in DC! |
Jake had his first "tubing" experience at our friend's Luke and Brittany's house! |
Visited Ithaca for the first time! |
Finished Jake's playroom |
Got to visit our new friend Grant, in Chicago (Andy and Becca's baby :) ) |
Started a photography class! |
My brother and his wife had a little baby, Eli :) |
Dan's brother got married to Sam :) |
And to top it off we had a great Christmas with both sides of our family!
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