
{ Thanksgiving 2014 }

Thanksgiving was extended this year for us thanks to some snow that passed through Central New York the day before Thanksgiving!  When we saw the weather report Dan checked his schedule and we decided to leave a day early and I was SO glad we did because it apparently snowed all. day. long.  I'm sure it was beautiful if you weren't trying to drive 6 hours to Cleveland. 

We did our usual lunch at my grandma's which is always so nice, and then we did a lot of back and forth between visiting family and friends the rest of the week and weekend!  And we've kind of made a tradition of doing some Christmas shopping on black Friday.  We miss all the door busters because we head out around 10 but we actually found some good deals this year and ended our time in the shops at Chipotle.  Nothing like a huge burrito right after Thanksgiving dinner, right?!

Anyway, I hope you had a wonderful time with family and friends :)

If only I had a zoom lens on to zoom out *just* a little bit more Jake could have been in the picture.  Next time I'll switch my lens lol


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