
Christmas {for real}

This year we traveled to Ohio again to spend Christmas with our families :)  It can be busy traveling, but at the end of the day, we are so thankful.  So thankful to have family in town from Colorado and California (and even more coming from Indiana and Pennsylvania later!) so thankful for the hospitality our families show us, so thankful for the way they shower us with more than we deserve, treat us to wonderful meals, and are so flexible with our little guy.

One of the She Reads Truth devos talked about Jesus and how he came to serve.  Her hope for us was this:

As we navigate the Christmas season with our friends, loves, bosses, employees, and all those tired checkout clerks, let's remember the leadership of Christ.  Tread humbly, quietly, and with the heart of a servant. 

I loved this, and my prayer this Christmas season is that I personally, would lower my expectations of what the perfect Christmas would be like, walk humbly and with a servant heart, and focus on what is most important- having a heart like Jesus.  The one that this whole day is all about.  I pray that you had a wonderful Christmas :)


  1. I am laughing because Jake and Selah got a few of the same/similar gifts! hahahaha Potty book, tools, and a keyboard. Too bad they can't play together!
