
Day trip to West Lafayette

A couple weekends ago my mom stayed with us to help us unpack and watch Jake while I was busy with a work event.  It was SO so helpful to have her there- I didn't touch any of the kitchen boxes because she was busy unpacking them while playing with Jake.  Let's just say that week would have been MUCH more stressful if she wasn't there!  So thankful for moms :)
Then, we drove to West Lafayette to meet up with my dad and while we were there we hung out with Uncle Jon and Aunt Holly!  They hadn't seen us since we took our professional pics and he changes so much (so it seems!) every week so it was nice to be able to visit with them for the day :)  And we skyped with Doug in California.  And he wore his grown up sweater that we love on him so we took some pics. All great things.
Hope you have a great weekend!


  1. Aw, I love his Grandpa snuggles! Grandpa snuggles are the best!
