
An apology

I don't even know where to start.  I am a blogging failure and I'm sorry.  I've actually avoided even looking at other blogs (mainly because I don't have time) but partially because I feel guilty that I haven't blogged in so long that I don't allow myself the privilege of looking at other blogs.

So here I am.  After a LONG day of work and needing to get up early tomorrow, here I am blogging.  I'm not sure why.. other than we are leaving for the weekend and I don't think I'll have any free time until next week so I figured I owed a quick post.

So we moved.  Only across town, but it felt like across the country.  Dan and I spent 8 hours scrubbing this place down.  All I know is that when I sell this home I will at least clean the toilets before I leave. ugh. so gross.  Anyway, we packed, cleaned, and then moved.  And we had SO many awesome friends and family members who have helped us.  Honestly I don't know where I would be without them- they gave up their whole weekends to help us move tons of furniture and then to help us unpack.  And they hung out with us in our home despite the boxes and lack of places to sit.  If anything I felt so blessed by everyone who helped us out :)

In other fun news Jake is rolling over... which is fun.. but not when he gets stuck on his stomach in his crib and can't go to sleep and then gets his foot stuck.  Poor little man.. and mom who wakes up 6 times to him crying at night.  We're hoping he learns how to roll from his stomach to his back pretty quickly :)

And tonight we had our first work event of the year. Whew.

So that's the main updates here.  Although we are tired and its been busy, we honestly feel so stinkin' blessed.. and the Lord continues to remind me of that and I'm so thankful for that reminder.  Right when I feel the tendency to complain about something right now, someone "randomly" tells me they are struggling with feeling discontent because they have 3 kids and a live in an apartment and are wanting a home (God probably feels the need to speak to me pretty clearly these days). 

And then there's the Fall.  The colors seemed to pop out of nowhere this week.  My breath has been taken away so many times by all the leaves changing.  Seriously there is just something about the Fall that gets me.  I love it. And at times it stops me in my tracks.  It forces me to slow down and soak it all in.  That's good for me to do every once in a while.

Here's a couple pics of our life this past week.


  1. Okay. A) do NOT feel bad about the lack of blogging - I'm HORRIBLE at it, so if you want to compare yourself to a truly bad blogger, compare yourself to me. B) Jake is SO stinking adorable (which you know, of course). C) You have a red front door? That's (oddly) something on my wish list. D) Do you swaddle Jake at night? When Katy started rolling over, we started swaddling her so she couldn't roll in her sleep.

  2. YAY!! You got the crib together - love it!!!
