
4 months

{15 lbs 8 ounces}
4 months.  It's crazy that our little man is already 4 months!  He's smack dab in the 50% for height and weight, and his head is actually running a little small :)  (which is so funny because in the ultra sounds he was in the 80% for head size!) Anyway this month has brought with it so many crazy things.  I think 4 months is going to go down in history with Jake.  It has by far been the best and hardest months for our little man.  It's hard for me to explain without diving into the details, so here we go :)
  • This month you got your first cold :(  You had me freaking out with every little sniffle and cough and thankfully dad went out at 10pm on a Sunday night to get Saline drops for you.  He's the best.
  • You are smiling more than ever and even "talking" in your gibberish noises which really sounds a lot more like "ooooohhhhh."  We've even caught you trying to imitate us as we talk to you :)
  • Sitting up is all the craze for you right now.  The second you are on the ground you are arching your neck to sit back up. 
  • You love to stand and move those strong legs of yours! That's why dad bought you a 1,000 piece bouncer (you can thank him later for setting that one up!) and your little legs don't even to touch :(  That's ok though you still like to sit in it anyway.
  • Somehow your hands seem to be the best thing since.. well milk.  You love to chomp on them and drool everywhere.
  • We go back and forth making buzzing noises with our mouths.  It's kind of our thing.  And I like it :)  I'm sure in a week or so you'll be bored with it and onto something new! 
  • You are officially in your own room and own crib!  I think we were more excited about this than you were.  Our days of bassinets and pack n plays are long gone.
  • You are SO curious.  You can even be a little bit rude with your incessant staring at people and things (yes I think the Comcast guy was getting awkward)
  • You have officially rolled over from your back to your stomach.  Oh the joy we thought this would bring....
  • Because of the rolling over from your back to your stomach, your night sleeping has been totally derailed.  We kind of took pride in the fact that you were tired at night- not anymore!  The second you hit your tummy you are not happy.  Oh how we can't wait for the day when you can figure out how to roll back onto your back (or sleep on your tummy for that matter!).  But, for now we will walk in your room 6 times between 1 and 5am to do it for you :) Sleeping through the night at 4 months is overrated anyway, right?
  • Lastly you are ALWAYS on the move.  You are content for about 5 seconds doing anything and want to be moving onto the next thing!  I have a feeling I will be very busy when you can start crawling!
Despite the lack of sleep this month between colds and rolling over, it honestly has been great.  It's funny how easy it is when you're at home with a little one to make everything a bigger deal than it really is (like his sleeping habits).  I tend to think "if only... then it will be much better" (in our case.. definitely the rolling over).  However I know each stage of a baby's life is going to bring new challenges and I don't want to get so caught up in that "if only" that I find myself missing out on all the fun things that come with being a mom to Jake.  Yes, those struggles are real in my life and a lack of sleep can definitely affect my day, but as I've been reminded by other moms, this too shall pass.  I know by 7 months I will probably be laughing about this with Dan as we say, "remember when Jake got stuck on his stomach when he rolled over?! Crazy kid." 
I've also been reminded in my "Shepherding a Child's Heart" Bible study that there are moms that are dealing with a lot more- like having kids with special needs.  Their challenges are far greater than mine and it is encouraging to see them love their kids with an unconditional love and ask God for strength to make it through every day.  It's definitely been a humbling experience that I'm so thankful for and puts my life and experiences in perspective. 
So Jacob, here's to another month with you in our lives.  It's still hard to imagine what our life was without you.  We love watching you explore this great big world of ours and are excited for you to grow up in our new home :)
"For this child I prayed, and the Lord has granted me my petition that I made to him.  Therefore I have lent him to the Lord. As long as he lives, he is lent to the Lord. And he worshiped the Lord there."- 1 Samuel 1:27-28


Oh, that double chin.


  1. These pictures are unbelievably cute!

  2. Those pictures are amazing! What a wonderful little boy you have been blessed with. From my perspective, each stage is more wonderful than the last. It's a great journey-glad you are enjoying it!

  3. I love the facial expressions! He is becoming quite the character. I can't wait till he starts talking. :)
