
An Already Filled Cup

I have been reading through "Praying God's Word" by Beth Moore recently and am loving it.  It is filled with prayers inspired by scripture- something I have been wanting to do for a long time.  I've heard from many moms that the transition to motherhood can pretty dramatically affect your faith and the amount of time you spend with God.  If anything these past two weeks I have learned I need to rely on God more than I ever have before and am praying that He stays a main priority during this next stage of my life.

So, here's some Beth Moore inspiration for your Monday :)

"Whether we seek to have our cup filled through approval, affirmation, control, success, or immediate gratification, we are miserable until something is in it...

No one is more pleasurable to be around than a person who has had her cup filled by the Lord Jesus Christ.  He is the only One who is never overwhelmed by the depth and length of our need.  Imagine how different our days would be if we had our cups filled by Christ first thing in the morning.  During the course of the day, anything else anyone is able to offer could just be the overflow of an already full cup.  This person will never lack company or affection because she draws daily from the well of unfailing love."


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