
4 months {Cole William}

{Cole William: 4 months}
16 pounds 2 ounces
26 3/4 inches long

Oh Mr. Baby Cole.  (as Jake likes to call you lol) I don't even know where to start with you!  This month has been so so fun.  And a tad bit exhausting.  BUT, we were MUCH healthier this month, so hooray for that! 
  • First, we just got back from your doctors appointment and she was seriously floored with how tall you were.  I guess growing almost 5 inches since being born is kind of a big deal?  Even the nurse had trouble weighing you because your legs were hitting the wall and your head was falling off the scale lol  Apparently you're one tall kiddo being in the 97% percentile.  And, she said that may be why sleeping hasn't quite been so great at night....
  • And more on that sleeping.  It is SO funny to look back at your brother's monthly blog post because guess what he had trouble with this month?  Rolling over and not sleeping lol  Guess what we're having trouble with right now?  The exact. same. thing.  I guess you guys are brothers ;) However, our doctor also said that you probably are needing more food than Jake did since you are so tall, so I shouldn't expect a great night sleep until 6 months when she said your growing *should* slow down!  So we will see how that goes!
  • The doctor also said that we should introduce food into your diet which may help you sleep because, yep, you guessed it.  You're so tall.  So I guess we will be starting it a little earlier?!  I couldn't believe that today at the grocery store I was already picking up oatmeal and sweet potatoes for you!  
  • Because of that being tall thing you're rocking out Jake's 9 months clothes.  So maybe you guys will be wearing almost the same size here soon!  I am so excited we can be in t shirts and shorts soon!
  • Your tongue is always out when you smile and it's so cute!  
  • Similar to your brother, you love sitting up and seeing everything that is going on.  You still love your little floor jungle too because you have nailed grabbing that little parrot hanging there. And you love it when anyone sits by you- we could chat for hours these days :)
  • Because of all the sickness last week was the first time I tried putting you in the childcare during a midweek Bible study and that was a huge fail.  I got buzzed within 20 minutes of leaving lol  Let's hope next week goes better :)
  • And I am still burning quite the calories getting you to fall asleep.  I swear the low lunges that seem to get you the most tired are giving me quite the toned legs.
  • You are sucking your thumb.  And I seriously think it is the CUTEST thing.  I love it.  I don't care if you need braces because of it because, let's be honest, you probably would anyway.
  • You love staring at Jake and I even find you laughing at him as you watch him run around.  
  • And you still love diaper changes and seem to be most happy when you are naked.  It must be a guy thing ;)
We love you so so much little Cole!  Every month is so fun with you!


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