
2 month {Cole William}

2 Months 
{13 pounds 10 ounces}

This is when it really starts to get good :)  Although I felt like we were waiting forever, the smiles have finally started to come!  And we love every bit of them.  I probably said it last month, but it is so fun having a newborn around again :)  Jake loves watching him and is very much into smelling him right now... which is a little odd.  It must be the baby smell that he likes?  Either way, he's very interested in Cole and for that we are thankful lol  I forget how quickly they change and I am trying to savor every stage as much as I can!  Here are some fun things from this past month with Cole:
  • We are already into 6 month clothing (eek!)  He is a pound bigger than Jake was at this point, and definitely likes to eat!
  • He has rolled from his stomach to his back already a couple times and actually doesn't seem to mind tummy time too much (obviously until he gets tired lol) I  think it helps that he has an older brother to watch and look at!
  • We have gotten the first smiles, but he definitely makes you work for them!  He already has gotten comments from people that he is "so serious" lol
  • Cole got his first cold this month and it was so sad!  It definitely threw off his sleeping which was hard for a couple nights, but he's slowly on the mend.  I forgot how long colds last in these little people!
  • He loves getting changed!  That's where we get the most smiles.  And I love all his rolls so it's a fun time for everyone :)
  • Jake always tells me he will "keep an eye out" for Cole and loves giving him baths.  He also randomly comes up to me saying "We love baby Cole!" and is always asking me "what's baby Cole doing?" 
  • And I may or may not have thought Cole had a seizure one night. And I may have googled infant spasms at 3 in the morning and woken up Dan in a panic.  Long story short, I'm pretty sure his cold and constant arm and head movement and lack of sleep led me to believe there was something seriously wrong with our son.  Needless to say don't google anything medical and infant related at 3am. Lesson learned :)
Needless to say, we are very happy with the new little addition to our family!


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