
Much needed truth

Tonight is one of those nights when I really do not need to be sitting in front of my computer, let alone blogging.  Dan's playing video games with friends, so I'm here, sipping wine and enjoying the smell of my apple cinnamon candle, with an open book and study guide staring at me out of the corner of my eye.

This week has been less than perfect.  Found out I have a midterm due next Wednesday that I really was not expecting.  Anxiety is overtaking me as I think about the marathon on Sunday (I could dedicate a whole blog post to my nervousness but I'm not going to because that is going to make me even more nervous).  Work has kept me late because of college fairs and events.  I *may* have forgotten to tell our catering service that an event for a school was cancelled, so they set up a beautiful breakfast buffet for basically my co workers.  I feel the weight of carrying the burdens of some of my close friends.  My mac and cheese fell out of the fridge and spilled on the floor approximately 20 minutes ago. I've been super stretched in my group counseling class - which I am sure at some point I will write more about, but there's way too much processing to do before I get my thoughts together on that.  Dan had an allergic reaction to his lunch during a meeting with his co workers :( (which totally  freaks me out because one of my biggest fears is that he will choke on something and I won't know what to do).  Lastly this is the first time I've been able to really sit and breath all week (or at least it feels like that lol).

So yeah, you can throw a pity party for me if you want - please don't actually, there are people having MUCH worse weeks than me.  But, something that was such a blessing for me was making a play list for our Sneak Preview event tomorrow.  There is something about worship music that just totally calms me down, and I came across this song by Fee: Everything Falls and forgot how much I love it.

No, I'm not going through some great tragedy, but what I love so much about God is that He understands even the smallest stresses of our day.  Why? Because He sent His son, Jesus, to become a man.  To know how it is to be a human.  To know how it feels when your mac and cheese spills all over the floor after a long day.  To understand how hard it is to bear the burdens of your friends. To understand how hard it is to bear your own burdens alone.  We're going through Luke in my Bible study and I have never appreciated more than now that God humbled himself to become man so that He could relate to us.  So when the Bible tells us that He's suffered in every way and that He understands every little aspect of our lives, and more -- it's true.  It's real.  When the Bible says Jesus wept, He felt pain.  So when I come boldly before His throne, He doesn't just hear me, He understands me, and feels compassion for me.  And, He doesn't just stop there.  He give us hope.  Hope that it will get better.  Maybe not here on this earth, but that's only temporary anyway.

Tonight, I am thankful for a God who understands and a God who gives me hope :)


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