
ONE YEAR {Cole William}

ONE.  We now officially have a one year old.  And he is the 99% percentile/ going off the chart for height, so he definitely does not even look like a baby.  The other day someone asked me if he was TWO! I can't even handle that.  Today he fell asleep in the car and even just holding his little body as I was walking into the house was just the sweetest.  And to be honest with you, I love the teeny babies and all the cuteness that is involved with the first couple months, but I also LOVE this stage.  We officially stopped nursing and even though it wasn't initiated by me I'm ok with it.  He was definitely ready and so was I and it for sure makes me heading out for photo sessions and other things much easier!  He sleeps through the night (except when traveling lol), takes two naps, eats everything in sight, and loves his push toy :)  Here's a couple other fun things at this stage!

  • He is making so many connections.  He is starting to imitate what I do by putting blocks on top of each other. He always grabs his little brush and starts "brushing" his hair; he takes Jake's toothbrush and tries to put toothpaste on it; he is starting to put all the toy phones to his ear (which I posted on instagram the other day that I think he's doing because Jake has been talking to his imaginary friend Josh on the phone recently lol)- the list goes on and on.  I completely forgot how quickly they pick up on all of these things!  It's a blast to watch.
  • Probably his cutest thing right now is when we put a blanket over his head and say "where's Cole?"  He always comes out with a big smile and has started to put the blanket over his head himself! Jake always like to find the biggest blanket to throw on top of him and sometimes Cole can't get out.. that never ends well lol
  • He also has just recently started walking!  I guess we can officially say around a year he took his first steps but here we are a couple weeks into his first year and he is walking all over the place.  Today he definitely walked way more than crawled and he is loving having little races with Jake pushing his grocery cart and Cole pushing his little push toy.  I know they get each other's nerves, but they really do play so well together right now so I'm trying to soak it all in :)
  • He is starting to make Jake's crazy face.  It's really hard to explain and I hope to get it on camera soon but he puts his lamb in his mouth and then clenches his teeth and starts laughing because we all do it too when he does it.  He's already got such a personality :)
  • He still sleeps with his lamb and sucks his thumb which makes sleeping super easy and nice right now :)
  • His favorite things right now are balloons, balls, opening and closing doors and drawers, and he loves putting things in and out of anything.  

We love our little guy :)


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