6 months
{18 lbs 7 ounces- roughly from a sick visit lol}
- Two teeny tiny teeth have popped through!
- As much as I love this stage- I still am stumped by so many things right now as well. Do you have that fever because you're sick, or you're teething? Why are you suddenly taking 45 minute naps as opposed to 1.5 hour naps? Why aren't you going down when you're yawning and clearly tired? So many questions. So little answers lol
- Cole is officially (for the most part) only waking up once in the middle of the night now. this is a HUGE win.
- He loves all food except anything green. We go back and forth between green beans and sweet potatoes and that helps :)
- You've started buzzing your lips together and it's so cute :)
- The car seat is pretty much the worst thing in your life right now. I'm still trying to erase from my mind the horrible crying that happened for 85% of the long drive to and from Ohio this past month
- You are slowly scooting backwards lol You can pretty much hold yourself up its just a matter of getting the crawling motion down! And we aren't really doing much to help you learn at this point- the longer you stay put the better (haha) just kidding... but for real.
- I've learned the secret to grocery shopping with you: facing out in the wrap. We really should invest in a 360 Ergo.
- You've started to love your bouncer and little car as you're learning to sit up!
- You got another ear infection sadly :/ But at least it explained why you were going through a fussy stage! Just hoping for clear ears this next month!
- You still smile the most for Jake. It's super cute :)

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