
We have arrived... in our temporary home.

There's a lot of things about transition that can be hard. Saying goodbye is never easy.  Packing and cleaning can be downright exhausting.  Trying to help a toddler adjust to the idea of a temporary home can be confusing.  And there is an endless list of doctors to call, internet to change, insurance to update, etc.  Thankfully, we are moving to a place where there are plenty of familiar faces.  There have been groceries dropped off at our home, old restaurants we have been excited to try, and friends to catch up with.  And for all of those things, we are so so grateful.

The hardest challenge thus far has been waiting.  Until our home sells in New York we are kind of at a stand still as to how to move forward with our lives here.  The type A list person in me wants to move into a home here asap.  Especially since we need to update our home study for our adoption, we can't do that until we have an actual home to update!  And, it can be hard when you see homes that you like quickly slip off the market.

But as always, God has shown me that waiting is going to be apart of my life.  Whether it's waiting for a baby, waiting for an adoption, waiting for a new job, waiting for a home.  Waiting is always the same.  It involves trusting that God has already gone before me and is making a way.  That he sees our future home.  He sees our future neighbors.  He sees the future family that is going to live in our home in NY.  And the challenge for me is always sitting in that unwritten story and finding comfort in this space that I'm in.  And not just being ok in the waiting, but trusting that God even has a plan for us while we're in this temporary housing.  That He may want to use us and grow us in ways that He couldn't if we were in our future home.

And so we wait.  In the next couple months we will settle into this temporary place and see what God has in store for us here.  And I will need to fight back the "what if's" and my typical controlling tendencies.

So we will get back into the new normal here soon.  I'm excited to dive back into my daily photos (I know lame, but for real, I am lol), we will find the parks and libraries and find a new normal.  And I'm excited to keep you updated as I do :)

Here are some pictures from our last couple weeks in New York :)


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