This month our little guy has just melted my heart over and over again. His belly laughs. His giggles. His smiles. The way he looks at us as if to say "do you see me sitting up like this?!" Of course he has his occasional moments (like the small meltdown in Target today), but for the most part dad can turn any of those lower lip quivers into a smile. Oh the joy he brings to our lives.
- This month I really think you are starting to recognize me as your mom. So far I've kind of felt like you think I'm this fun person to hang out with. You look at me as if to say, "Oh hey it's you again! And I think I like you!" But this month you started reaching for me when you're in other people's arms. You get (what appears to be) genuinely excited when I walk in the room. Could this be early signs of separation anxiety? Probably. But for right now I am soaking it all in.
- Solids. Oh the taste of sweet potatoes, carrots, and squash. You love them and have learned quickly to open your mouth when that spoonful of wonderful food comes toward you ... even pounding on your high chair for more.
- Solids. Oh the way it has changed my view on changing your cloth diapers. Don't worry, I still love you :)
- You have so proudly shown us how strong you are by sitting up this month! You occasionally fall over but you have been able to sit for 10 to 15 minutes by yourself.
- You are starting to get up on all fours and slowly rock back and fourth. I attribute this to the help of Aunt Holly and Uncle Jon. We really need to invest in some gates. ASAP.
- The noises continue. You are constantly grunting, moaning, or screeching. I can't wait to actually understand what is going through that little head of yours when you can talk!
- You are constantly on the move; changing anything on your body is very difficult because you want to flip over and scoot away as fast as you can.
- You scratch everything. Could this mean you are going to be a physical touch person like your dad? Probably not, but right now it seems like it. You scratch couches, chairs, faces, clothes, anything printed on a t-shirt or pants, hair (and you grab it.. and you have a very strong grip).. really anything you touch you scratch. I am trying to keep your nails short through this phase.I really can't eat or do anything with you on my lap without you grabbing at it.
- You get oddly excited when I fill my cup with water from the water filter on our fridge.
- I have realized that no toy we own compares to your love for laptops, phones, remote controls, or hot beverages.
- On the other hand, you really like the Clifford dog and pandas in your room and get legitimately excited when you see them.
- You don't really take the pacifier anymore.. this is a good and bad thing!
- You have started to rub your eyes when you get tired and it's so stinkin' cute.
- You perk up anytime you hear the Gilmore Girls theme song.
"Behold, children are a gift of the LORD; The fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, So are the children of one's youth. How blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them; They shall not be ashamed, When they speak with their enemies in the gate." Psalm 127:3-5

Oh Stef! He's just so sweet! Wish I could come over and play with him! And visit with you! Your last note is my favorite. It's a catchy song and I perk up when I hear it too ;)
ReplyDeleteStef, I love reading about Jake! Thanks for always sharing. :)
ReplyDeleteHe's so adorable! I just got the full Gilmore Girls series on DVD, so we're all set to babysit whenever you need us to! :)
ReplyDeleteHow precious!! Jake, grandma misses you so much. Thanks for the updates. It helps me feel like I am closer To all of you and am able to see him growing up.
ReplyDeleteLove and kisses