Today marks the official day when our life gets back to normal! After the long 6 hour drive last night from Ohio, we are back home and enjoying sitting around sipping coffee, eating leftover candy we got from our stockings for breakfast, and being totally ok with our home looking like a cyclone hit it (since we got in at 1am last night!) December has been pretty busy- with Dan being gone for almost 2 weeks straight for work, a trip to California, a couple days with Dan's sister here in Chicago, and then a week in Ohio, it feels good to be home and getting settled (however I have a feeling when Dan goes back to work I am going to miss having all the people around- and so will Jake!)
This past week when we were in Ohio we heard a great sermon about the concept of Jesus coming as our savior. We always joke that Pastor Joe Coffey is the master of sermon illustrations. The second we see him step up to the pulpit and set up his props, we start to exchange smiles across the pews. But all joking aside, he always has great illustrations that get his point across. On Sunday he talked about how it's so hard for us to grasp that Jesus came as our Savior. Having a Savior means we need to be saved from something. It means that we need help. We can't do it on our own. Deep down inside no one wants to admit that. Even though I fully believe Jesus Christ came to save us, there are still times when I fall back into that "I can do it myself attitude."
Joe's illustration described how he was trying to get his car out of some sand when he lived in Florida. After what appeared to be 30 minutes or so of struggling, he was gasping for breath and sweating when his neighbor came out and asked if he needed help. Can you bet what he said? Yep- he gave a friendly wave, thanked him for offering, but said he was ok. Clearly, he was not ok. Clearly, his truck was struck and he needed help. But he didn't want to admit that.
I do the. exact. same. thing. My co worker Sarah always calls me out when I say that I don't need help carrying the 10 bags into work that I'm trying to balance in my hands by saying "are you sure you don't need help, or are you doing the Stefanie Cinadr thing by being nice and saying no when I could really do something for you?" It seriously boggles my mind. There is someone who is offering to help. They could make my job much easier. I could use the extra hand. However I still say no. I still try to do it on my own.
We all have in us that innate nature that says "I'm ok. I don't need your help" and that's why believing that Christmas is about a baby coming to save us is so hard to grasp - and uncomfortable really. It means we have to humble ourselves and stifle our pride and say "yes! Save me- i need it!"
We are presented with a Savior that promises us a life of peace and joy- yet we turn Him down and say that we can do it on our own. We trudge through holding onto burdens and trying to muster up an "I can do it on my own" attitude when we can't. That's why I'm so thankful for Christmas. For the reminder that I need a Savior and that it's ok to admit it. Life is much better when I believe that. I hope this Christmas you were able to spend some time thinking about the real meaning of Christmas :)
I realized that Christmas is 4 days away so I should probably post some updates from Thanksgiving! We made the long drive home to Ohio (We're getting pretty good at driving through the night- that seems to be the best way to go :) and spent time with our family, Dan's extended family, and then to PA to visit my Grandma. We even went shopping on good Friday- although it was crazy busy and snowy, we actually ended up purchasing a couple gifts. Definitely a success. Here are some fun pics that I took that documented our week!
Yep I stole this photo idea off Pinterest
Eek can you believe that Christmas is less than a week away!?
So crazy. Can't wait to be with friends and family for a week!
Big things are happening over here
Of course the day we will be spending 5 hours on an airplane Jake decides to crawl :) Nonetheless, we've got a crawler on our hands!
Please excuse my annoying baby talk. This is what happens when your husband leaves you on a business trip with a 6 month old for 3 days. You start to go crazy and say things like "cutey patootie."
Most of the action happens near the end :)
Please excuse my annoying baby talk. This is what happens when your husband leaves you on a business trip with a 6 month old for 3 days. You start to go crazy and say things like "cutey patootie."
Most of the action happens near the end :)
I stole Dan's phone..
... and found these pictures! I wanted to post them before I take 1,000 more this upcoming week.
We're going to be in California for the next week visiting my twin bro :) We're so exited to visit him! We have big plans. Plans that we first need to run by Jake- we've never travelled with a 6 month old, so we're trying to go in with a flexible attitude. I'm open for any tips that anyone may have!
Have a lovely week!
We're going to be in California for the next week visiting my twin bro :) We're so exited to visit him! We have big plans. Plans that we first need to run by Jake- we've never travelled with a 6 month old, so we're trying to go in with a flexible attitude. I'm open for any tips that anyone may have!
Have a lovely week!
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His little bumpo seat has come in VERY handy! |
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We have lots of fun times hanging out in our bedroom :) |
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We can be overly cautious when it comes to taking Jake outside in the cold weather... |
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Love that little smile :) |
Update to House updates :)
House Updates
I'm almost ashamed to even post a blog about home updates. You see, we just happened to become best friends with people in Chicago who do crazy things like purchase homes that they need to completely renovate- tearing down walls, ripping up carpets, redoing bathrooms, tiling floors, dry walling whatever it is in homes that need dry wall... and doing lots of other things that I honestly don't even know the proper name for so I'm not going to try to explain it. I'm not kidding when I say that we have friends who in the amount of time it has taken us to partially paint our entryway they have renovated their bathroom. They could all be on HGTV showing off their mad house renovation skills. Dan and I on the other hand, well, thankfully we know our limits. We purchased a home that really only needs to be painted. Sure, is there a wall that we think we could potentially tear down in the future to open up the kitchen and living room area? Yes. Is that something that needs to be done right away? No. Is that something we could even attempt to do right now? No.
So, needless to say we have purchased a couple items and started painting. And I'm kind of stuck on the trim when it comes to painting. Ugh. Trim is such a pain. I have a new appreciation for anyone who paints anything involving trim because it is taking us FOREVER to finish painting our entryway.
After getting tips from friends and reading blogs like this one we picked out some paint colors (easier said than done- again seriously how did I survive without the internet that provides me with helpful blogs like this one to inform me of these things) and started at it. So far I love the gray and white combo of our entryway and cannot wait until it's done and we can get new lights, some knobs, and some other fun decorations. Our entryway is tricky because before we purchased our home, they turned what used to be the garage into a laundry room/ work space. Which, don't get me wrong, we love. However, this room used to be the entryway from the garage so it had lights and this odd wooden mantle that looks a little out of place. So, we're trying our best to work with it :) (This is what it looked like before with the lights)
So without further ado.. (is that even how you type that?!) here are some house "renovations" we have done.
"Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5 ESV)
We'll keep you updated with other fun additions we get :)
So, needless to say we have purchased a couple items and started painting. And I'm kind of stuck on the trim when it comes to painting. Ugh. Trim is such a pain. I have a new appreciation for anyone who paints anything involving trim because it is taking us FOREVER to finish painting our entryway.
After getting tips from friends and reading blogs like this one we picked out some paint colors (easier said than done- again seriously how did I survive without the internet that provides me with helpful blogs like this one to inform me of these things) and started at it. So far I love the gray and white combo of our entryway and cannot wait until it's done and we can get new lights, some knobs, and some other fun decorations. Our entryway is tricky because before we purchased our home, they turned what used to be the garage into a laundry room/ work space. Which, don't get me wrong, we love. However, this room used to be the entryway from the garage so it had lights and this odd wooden mantle that looks a little out of place. So, we're trying our best to work with it :) (This is what it looked like before with the lights)
So without further ado.. (is that even how you type that?!) here are some house "renovations" we have done.
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Entry way progress. I am thankful to say we are officially done with the first coat since taking this picture! |
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Close up so you can see the difference in colors- it was tan before. |
"Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5 ESV)
We'll keep you updated with other fun additions we get :)
6 months
{17 lbs 4 ounces}
This month our little guy has just melted my heart over and over again. His belly laughs. His giggles. His smiles. The way he looks at us as if to say "do you see me sitting up like this?!" Of course he has his occasional moments (like the small meltdown in Target today), but for the most part dad can turn any of those lower lip quivers into a smile. Oh the joy he brings to our lives.
"Behold, children are a gift of the LORD; The fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, So are the children of one's youth. How blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them; They shall not be ashamed, When they speak with their enemies in the gate." Psalm 127:3-5

This month our little guy has just melted my heart over and over again. His belly laughs. His giggles. His smiles. The way he looks at us as if to say "do you see me sitting up like this?!" Of course he has his occasional moments (like the small meltdown in Target today), but for the most part dad can turn any of those lower lip quivers into a smile. Oh the joy he brings to our lives.
- This month I really think you are starting to recognize me as your mom. So far I've kind of felt like you think I'm this fun person to hang out with. You look at me as if to say, "Oh hey it's you again! And I think I like you!" But this month you started reaching for me when you're in other people's arms. You get (what appears to be) genuinely excited when I walk in the room. Could this be early signs of separation anxiety? Probably. But for right now I am soaking it all in.
- Solids. Oh the taste of sweet potatoes, carrots, and squash. You love them and have learned quickly to open your mouth when that spoonful of wonderful food comes toward you ... even pounding on your high chair for more.
- Solids. Oh the way it has changed my view on changing your cloth diapers. Don't worry, I still love you :)
- You have so proudly shown us how strong you are by sitting up this month! You occasionally fall over but you have been able to sit for 10 to 15 minutes by yourself.
- You are starting to get up on all fours and slowly rock back and fourth. I attribute this to the help of Aunt Holly and Uncle Jon. We really need to invest in some gates. ASAP.
- The noises continue. You are constantly grunting, moaning, or screeching. I can't wait to actually understand what is going through that little head of yours when you can talk!
- You are constantly on the move; changing anything on your body is very difficult because you want to flip over and scoot away as fast as you can.
- You scratch everything. Could this mean you are going to be a physical touch person like your dad? Probably not, but right now it seems like it. You scratch couches, chairs, faces, clothes, anything printed on a t-shirt or pants, hair (and you grab it.. and you have a very strong grip).. really anything you touch you scratch. I am trying to keep your nails short through this phase.I really can't eat or do anything with you on my lap without you grabbing at it.
- You get oddly excited when I fill my cup with water from the water filter on our fridge.
- I have realized that no toy we own compares to your love for laptops, phones, remote controls, or hot beverages.
- On the other hand, you really like the Clifford dog and pandas in your room and get legitimately excited when you see them.
- You don't really take the pacifier anymore.. this is a good and bad thing!
- You have started to rub your eyes when you get tired and it's so stinkin' cute.
- You perk up anytime you hear the Gilmore Girls theme song.
"Behold, children are a gift of the LORD; The fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, So are the children of one's youth. How blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them; They shall not be ashamed, When they speak with their enemies in the gate." Psalm 127:3-5

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