Every year at this time I spend time in Isaiah 53 ... "He was despised and rejected by men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief... yet we esteemed him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace." Jesus was so misunderstood- we thought that he was being punished by God because of what He was going through, but He was paying the price for our sins, and no one understood Him. The gospel is such a radical concept that I think it's hard for a lot of us to understand.. to accept that someone could love us that much. Definitely something I am trying to meditate on.
To abruptly change the subject, Jamie and I also tried to make guacamole from non ripe avocados... its never a good thing when you have to use a blender to make guacamole lol And, I am so thankful for friends like Jamie who encourage us to go into Chicago, because there are so many great things in the city, and Dan and I just don't take advantage of it! We went to the Shed Aquarium.. and although we had to wait outside in the cold right by the lake for about an hour and a half to get in, we made it! It was really fun and cool to see all of the animals!
Here's some pictures from our trip:

Waiting out side in the freezing cold.... Below is us at Fuego- an awesome Mexican restaurant in downtown Arlington Heights!

This is Dan leaving the Shed haha

I hate jelly fish with a passion- I had a terrible experience as a child in the ocean..
Our latest update is that we're trying to decide if we should move or not... as we look at our debt situation and how much longer we will be in the Chicago area, it's been a tough decision. While I hate the commute to work, I have become somewhat attached to downtown Arlington Heights and our small, 70's ish apartment. So, we'll keep you updated with where we end up going with that! Also, still no updates on which marathon we want to do.. but now that I'm writing that.. I feel like we really need to start making some decisions asap!
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