I knew I would love being an Aunt- the second I met this little guy my heart flooded with all the memories we would have with him and he would have with our kids. And oh the joy Eli brings to our life! Maybe it's because we have such serious kids and Eli gives away smiles like candy, but this little man is just so precious and I love going to see him (and obviously his mom and dad!) It was so fun to be able to make it to his birthday party and I can't wait to see how he grows this upcoming year! Happy second birthday, Eli!
Easter 2016 in West Lafayette
I know Easter was like a month ago, but as I said, I'm playing catch up :) We had such a fun Easter! We went to West Lafayette and spent it with my brother and his family! It's kind of turned into a tradition. I can't remember why but about 4 years ago we spent Easter with them two years in a row and now we kind of made it a tradition. For now at least :) Don't mind the grainy pictures at the beginning- we celebrated Easter around 6am in the morning (yay time change and toddlers!) so the light wasn't ideal. The photographer in me was cringing but the mom in me just wanted to capture the moment, so I did my best :)

5 Months
I know I'm late on the 5 month post (eek!). I actually did take these photos on the day he turned five months (my friend Steph can vouch for me because she was here!) but I've had a couple photo shoots that I have been editing so I haven't gotten around to posting much on here. I'm sorry! (Mainly to you, mom lol ;) So we did our first outdoor shoot with Cole because it was so nice out! He wasn't feeling too many smiles but we got a couple of him :)
This month we are growing in so many ways!
- We are rolling all over the place!
- You are over rice cereal and onto fruits and veggies only- and we aren't too fond of peas we found out lol
- Still not sleeping through the night. I don't want to talk about it.
- I'm pretty sure you're getting teeth because your fussiness level has increased greatly over the last week!
- Your hair sadly is falling out. We have little Cole hairs all over the place haha Maybe by your 6 month shots you will be totally bald?! Only time will tell.
- Your smiles are the best still and you give them to me all the time :) And you give them to Jake the most.
- Dad is adventurous and has started throwing you up in the air - and you love it!
- I feel like we are in this awkward stage where you don't love your jungle mat, and can't quite reach the floor on your bouncer, and you are SO ready to start crawling, and you don't love your bumbo, so you just like to be held lol And it's killing my back (literally)
- We love you so much Cole William! Especially your big brother :) We love watching you grow and we are so so thankful for the joy you bring to our home!
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