When we found out we were pregnant with Jake Dan
really wanted the gender to be a surprise when he was born. Although I am a planner by nature, we were in a one bedroom apartment in Chicago, and we couldn't prepare a nursery so I agreed that we would wait. But this time around, I really wanted to find out by doing something fun- and Dan agreed that we could :) And we decided to go the cupcake route- having a bakery frost some cupcakes blue or pink!
Honestly, this pregnancy has been different than Jake - I'll spare you most of the details, but I felt the way I was carrying and the fact that I had a little bit of morning sickness maybe signified that we were having a girl (with Jake I almost prayed that I felt sick so I would know I was pregnant since I felt so normal! I now know how lucky I was :) ). I still could totally see us having a family of all boys, I don't know if it was growing up with brothers or what, but I feel completely comfortable with a family full of boys, but for some reason I thought just maybe this little baby was a girl.
So the day of the ultrasound the technician filled out our little card and off we went to the cupcake shop! The bakers headed to the back to get the cupcakes ready and while we were waiting one them came from the back of the shop and started talking to us. She asked us what we thought we were having and I said I had this odd feeling it could be a girl but I obviously really wasn't sure. She then proceeded to talk about how girls are so much drama and how she has a boy and a girl and the girl is definitely way more work so if she could do it over again she would rather have all boys. I couldn't help but bite my lip and just laugh awkwardly as I reiterated we would be thrilled either way.
After we got our cupcake box and headed outside I immediately turned to Dan and told him that we had to be having a boy- I mean, why else would you talk about girls like that if we were having a girl!? Dan shrugged his shoulders and said she probably didn't look, but I was pretty sure she looked at the card. I mean, if I worked there I totally would have gone to the back and looked! Either way, we headed to the park with our three little cupcakes (one for each of us) and set up the tripod and the timer and slowly opened the box! And you can see what happened below :)
this was after we saw the cupcakes inside the box :) |
So Jake has officially told us he is going to teach this little boy everything he knows about baseball and Mickey Mouse. And we couldn't be more excited to have some more boys in our little family :)
And now I know for sure that baker looked at the card :)