
An encouraging conversation and some strawberry picking

I recently had a conversation with a friend who just kind of blew me away.  She's in her 30's and has already battled cancer- twice. Sitting in my living room, having Spiedie sandwiches (a staple here in Binghamton :)) and onion rings, she shared with me her story. Her story of how after she battled cancer the first time, she invited all of her friends on a weekend getaway and showered them with gifts to thank them for all their support, only to discover weeks before her trip that the cancer was back.

She shared with me some of the conversations she was able to have with her doctors about God.  She talked about the difficulties and her future of unknowns, but what surprised me the most out of everything she said was the ultimate trust she had in God.  She said her first reaction when the doctor said that it was cancer, was OK God, I trust you.  Let's do this. I have trouble trusting God with what I'm going to do in the afternoon with Jake when it's raining outside let alone handing God your life when you get the news that you have cancer and saying, "I trust you, God.  This situation isn't out of your control."

Recently I've been listening to this song during my quiet times, and the lyrics have been such an encouragement to me:

Through it all, through it all

My eyes are on You

Through it all, through it all
It is well

Far be it from me to not believe

Even when my eyes can't see
And this mountain that's in front of me

Will be thrown into the midst of the sea

So let go my soul and trust in Him

The waves and wind still know His name

It is well with my soul.

These past few weeks I've been asking God what He's doing in our lives and where He's taking us and it's easy for me to get caught up in our circumstances instead of simply trusting and being caught up in Him.  The unknown can be hard for a type A planner like me who can't sit still and simply "be."  So, hearing this particular friend open up about her unknowns and the trust she has every time she gets her scans done was just what my little heart needed to hear.

As my friend was leaving all I could say was thank you to her.  I just wanted to thank her for sharing her story with me, and for letting God use her trials for good.  It was such a privilege to hear how God is using her cancer to touch people in ways they probably have never experienced. She reminded me that we all have a story that God wants to use to reach people. As God taught me 4 years ago and apparently is still teaching me, "We are not profound or great, but what God is doing in our lives for His Kingdom is profound and great."


A weekend at the Lake

So way back in January, our friends Luke and Brittany came to visit us.  They mentioned that Luke had some time off before he started residency, so if we wanted to we could come stay with them at Brittany's parents lake house.  Now, I know that an almost 12 hour ride for an extended weekend may seem like a lot to take on with a 2 year old, but these were the same friends who invited to their lake house back in 2011 when we took these pictures here and here.  And they also invited us to their place in Florida that same year.  Things to note about this walk down memory lane:

1) I still have the same bathing suit that I did 3 years ago.  Maybe it's time to do something about that ....
2) Can anyone believe that I am still blogging after all these years?  I know, me either.
3) We were much crazier in our younger years, aka pre-kids.
4) Brittany and her family are so. incredibly. generous.

We had such a great time at their lake house.  They already had plenty of  toys because Luke and Brittany take Lizzy there, so from the second we walked in to the minute we left Jake was constantly running from one new toy to the next.  As a matter of fact, he was so preoccupied with all the new toys that he didn't want to stop to eat... ever.  Let's just say that he takes after his father in that area ;)  During the weekend we grilled, attempted to go tubing with the kiddos which essentially consisted of us sitting with them in the tubes out in the middle of the lake, sat around and watched the World Cup, read, took naps, and just relaxed.  Oh, and did I mention that they had bowls full of M&M's and Gushers in multiple locations around their home?  It was a-mazing.  There is a reason I don't have these things in our house because I think I had almost 5 packs of Gushers a day.

Enjoy all the Kodak moments below :)  And a huge thanks to Brittany and Luke and their family for letting us stay with them!

Jake  is all about giving thumbs up these days.  The other day on our walk he decided to give a thumbs up to this high schooler getting in his car instead of waving.  Oh, this little man of ours.

Yes, this was our captain :)

The dads on Fathers day :)

This was the first picture I took of Jake on the boat.. he was a little unsure lol

This looks a lot crazier than it actually was.  I'm not even sure if the boat was moving...

In Lizzy's defense, the boat was moving at a slow pace here lol  Nonetheless I love this shot :)
Dan and Brittany's mom!
I love this little face :)  Jake LOVED steering the boat.  All he wanted to do was drive and honk the horn lol

Lizzy was showing us a couple dance moves during breakfast
Their lake house coffee cake is amazing!

Lizzy was having a moment and we wanted to start taking pictures and calling them #reallife.  This was one of them lol

I think Lizzy was saying that the fish were all going "night night" because she couldn't see any of them lol

On our way home we stopped by Dan's parents house and took some pictures :)

Such a great weekend!