Dan is HOME. YAY! I can't tell you how nice it is to have Dan back home. Jake is happier. I am happier. We are just all much happier :) He got back Wednesday night and had 4 days off and we definitely took in those 4 days to rest, eat out, "travel" a bit, visit with friends, and watch movies. Yes, I have the best husband ever as he let me redbox Safe Haven. Gotta love those Nicholas Sparks chic flicks.
Anyway, this past week we really wanted to go into the city one more time. Dan wanted me to visit the Sears/ Willis Tower skydeck.. but we were pushing Jake's nap time so we didn't make it. I'm terrified of heights so the thought that
this is what I was missing didn't make me too sad :)
We did however eat at the Millennium Park Grill, hang out at the Bean and Millennium park and watch Jake run through the fountains. It was a perfect day to walk around the city and we're so glad we made the drive.. oh and we didn't hit ANY traffic. It was totally meant to be.
Jake loved the Bean! |
Jake practically running into the water.. this kid LOVED it. |
This is me running back to Dan.. I was getting a little too wet ha |
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