
Back at home

As thankful as I am to be able to work part time, I really do get sad when I can't be with my little guy during my events.  As awful as this may sound, during the day my events are so busy that sometimes I don't get a lot of time to think about him until I get home and I see his sweet smile and I get to hold him.  And it doesn't really matter that he's fussy because he needs to go to bed soon, I just want to hold him (and go to bed at 7pm with him because I'm SO exhausted).  I tip my hat to you full time working moms. When I have weeks like this where I work 40+ hours, I get a *small* glimpse into your world and it's demanding and I feel pulled in a thousand directions. 

So, here's some pictures that I took a couple weeks ago (I can tell because he doesn't have his 2 front teeth :) when we had some down time and were playing in our "blue room" downstairs.  I know I've said it before, but I seriously could watch this little guy explore this great big world we live in all day long.  He cracks me up sometimes.

Checking out his hammer..
Practicing yoga..
And more..
and moooore lol
Can you please get that camera out of my face?
His cheesy little smile :)
He loves the dishwasher.  It's his favorite place to hang out. Just wait until you associate this with chores..


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